GPS tracking, Social Sightings,Complete Nature Reference, Kruger National Park.
This is the original live Kruger National Park Sightings application with over 18 years of sightings history from Kruger National Park.
Sightings Tracker enables your device to become a South African mammal & bird Life list.
With a sophisticated automatic naming and detailing system (Kruger National Park).如果您在克鲁格国家公园(Kruger National Park)时添加瞄准器,则该系统将自动填写描述,它将拾取您当前的道路,您正在行驶的方向以及距离最后一个交叉点或在离线模式下的距离。
New Virtual Tour Guide. A complete reference to all mammal species, historical sites, information on picnic sites, camps, gates waterholes, viewpoints and hides. If you are within 500m of a point of interest, the system will alert you and by clicking on the alert, all the information will be available. All information is available Offline. Species information now comes with a “Heat Map” showing actual sightings information about that selected species.
Up to the second reporting for Kruger National Park and accurate within 50m, as all sightings saved, are done so using your devices GPS system.
National Parks Included so far:
Please Note: Rhino Sightings are not shown on the public maps.
To View Sightings, Register and activate an account (used for cloud storage).
(Internet Connection Required to view map / live sightings)
Phone ID is read to distinguish between platforms for log in and to enable specific phone features.
Fixed & Working on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) (Again)
Completely New UI
Fixed Server Login/Create Account problems.
Fixed Adding Sightings (Invalid ID)
This is a public beta, so there may be a few unknown issues on a few devices.
This app does not work on devices without NEON compatible chip sets.
Any Problems, Email Me [email protected]