Allow users to visit only whitelisted websites, Run device in kiosk mode.
SureFox uses Android Device Administrator permission for advanced lockdown features.
SureFox is a lockdown browser you can use for controlling what web sites your users can browse on Android tablets and smartphones.如果您想在餐馆,出租车,贸易展览,图书馆,学校,医院等待休息室,野战室等的公共区域中部署Android平板电脑,并且您想确保用户只能访问允许的网站,而在平板电脑上也没有其他信息,这将非常有用。
Now remotely manage SureFox settings on large number of devices using remote device management
* Kiosk mode secure browser for Android Tablets and Smartphones
* Restrict users to browse only selected websites
* Private Browsing Option (session, cookies, cache data are not stored)
* Enable/Disable Zoom feature
* Show/Hide Title bar
* Reload page on user inactivity or idle timeout
* Option to disable auto suspend feature (Keep device always powered ON)
* Schedule device sleep and wakeup (Saves power and screen)
* Custom Error Pages
* Lock screen orientation to Landscape, Portrait or other modes
* Tabbed browsing
* Configurable context or shortcut menu with browser commands
* Extended JavaScript APIs offered by SureFox
*使用http url,云服务或suremdm(快速在空中上方的大量设备上迅速部署或修改SureFox配置。
* Built-in File download manager
* Create Categories of URLs on home page for easier navigation
* Hide Bottom bar and notification panel on Samsung devices 4.2.2 and rooted devices with Android 3.0 and above.
* Password protected access to browser settings
* Browse local web pages on the device
* Fullscreen mode
* HTML5 Support
* Screensaver (Display image or system wallpaper as screensaver)
* Flash Support till Android 4.3
* Complete device Lockdown preventing users from accessing any other apps or settings (Pro Version)
SureFox Licensing Options
SureFox Basic license: Enables feature to allow users to access only whitelisted websites. But the user can also access and launch other apps on the device. This license is useful when used in conjunction with our SureLock product.
SureFox Pro License: Enables full lockdown of the device so that the users can access only whitelisted websites and nothing else on the device. Access to other apps is completely blocked (Kiosk Mode). User cannot quit SureFox . Even rebooting the device does not quit SureFox . It starts automatically after the reboot.
Note : Free version has some limitations but you can try both Basic and Pro version features. Purchase a Basic or Pro license to activate full version functionality. In case of any questions or issues please contact us at [email protected].
Learn more about SureFox at SureFox android.html
Check out online documentation at SureFox _online_documentation_android.html
For queries write to us at [email protected]
Note : The user must grant multiple special permissions. During setup, permission usage and consent will be displayed.