智商测试和个性是测试性质,个性和您的智商的Android应用。此应用程序对于那些想参加Intansi和公司的测试的人很有用。了解您适合工作和过上生活的程度。 For those of you who will follow the test CPNS this application is complementary to the Simulation CAT employess, Test Police, Test Psychotest Academic Potential Test, Test Psychology, Mathematics Test, Test Accuracy, test logic, test analysis, Brain Test Left, Test Memory, Tests strategy, general and basic ability test, sudoku game, test calculate speed, left and right brain test to distinguish the color word, the duel of the brain and brain teasers.
此外,在此应用程序中,您可以根据出生日期,姓名,颜色,测试指纹,血型,手部测试和角色手写测试 /个性测试。
智商测试应用程序还可以培训您回答以下问题,例如:向联合国SD,问题Unbk Jienor High School Unbk问题,问题SBMPT以及UKG老师。