
Learn, practice English phonetic pronunciation with native American teachers

If you want learn English pronunciation perfectly, this is the application for you.通过40多个教训,教您如何发音每个国际语音字母(IPA)符号,完成课程后,您可以精确地发音英语。

It is no doubt that pronunciation is the most challenging skills of ESL students. Many people spent years trying to be understood when speaking English without much success. The missing piece is a knowledge of how to pronounce English words correctly. By learning the IPA, you know how to look up words for pronunciations. In addition, this English pronunciation app have the complete list of common English words and their pronunciation rules. You can easily look up for their pronunciation within the app.

该应用程序帮助许多人在短时间内改善了发音,它被全球许多ESL的Android设备最佳的英语发音应用程序评为最佳。 It is also recommended by English teachers across the world.

This app is trusted by more than 100k users worldwide!

This app is the entry point for ESL students to improve their pronunciation skill of American English.


- Exactly how a single IPA character is pronounced. You will hear the correct sound of each symbol

- How to pronounce any English word just by looking at its phonetic representation in the dictionary

- How to pronounce words in a sentence

Different from many other languages (French, Spanish, Vietnamese...), you cannot pronounce a word correctly in English just by looking at it. Does that mean there is no other way to learn the pronunciation of words than listening to native speakers?

答案是否定的。 You can pronounce all words in English if you know how to pronounce the IPA phonetics symbol correctly.

The symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), as used in phonetic transcriptions in modern dictionaries.如果您以前曾使用过字典,您会注意到,除了要找到其含义的单词外,还有一个看起来像这样的部分: /ˈBʌTər /

That's the IPA representation of that word and it's the key to pronounce the word correctly.

Learning IPA characters is not simple but with this application, you can master any IPA sound in a short period of time.

So, what does this application do to help you improve your English pronunciation?

1. It contains the lessons of IPA characters including vowels, diphthongs and consonants

2. It shows you how to pronounce a single phonetic symbol correctly.我们的老师Micaela女士很长一段时间以来一直在教ESL学生,她知道如何解决您学习英语时遇到的问题

3. The application provides you tool to assess your level. There are many practices that give you feedback right away.

4. It also provides the detailed report on each practice you did. The report will show you your progress and also which words, sentences you found most challenging.

New lessons and features will be added frequently.

Let's get started learning how to pronounce the IPA characters!


Last updated on Dec 26, 2024 Fix display








