  • Anti Theft Alarm

    Anti Theft Alarm

    7.6 2.1.4 2024-10-24

Catch sneaky people trying to snoop on your phone with Anti Theft Alarm !

NEW UPDATE!!! Added 2 audio options for the alarm sound.

Anti Theft Alarm充當運動警報,並在有人移動設備或從插座上拔下充電器時發出警報來保護您的手機。 When the alarm is triggered, a photo is taken and sent to your email address.令人敬畏而有趣的方式來嚇your朋友,並在潛在的小偷,小偷或任何打算在未經您的授權的情況下使用手機採取的行為來保護您的設備。

Catch your friends and sneaky people trying to snoop on your phone with Anti Theft Alarm ! Do your friends hack your Facebook status when you leave the room? Does your girlfriend read all your texts when you take a shower? With Anti Theft Alarm , thieves and up-to-no-gooders are greeted with a loud car alarm!在未經您的同意的情況下,抓住朋友,孩子和家人訪問您的設備的朋友,同時,可以防止您的手機或平板電腦被小偷或竊賊偷走。

It has also been used as protection and as an extra security measure for your cell phone.我們收到了許多用戶的電子郵件,這些電子郵件成功地避免了他們的手機被偷走,這是通過試圖擺脫用戶設備的行為來抓住小偷。


Mute function so you can set up the alarm secretly - NEW!!!

Phone Charger Unplug Trigger - NEW!!!

Revamped Web interface for locking and unlocking the Alarm remotely - NEW!!!

Share the photos of the Snooper - Thief via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram - NEW!

Receive an Email with a Photo of the Snooper - Thief!

Choose your own Alarm Sound!

Remote Activation by Internet (lock and unlock)

Paranoid Mode (Sounds alarm even if in standby).

Motion Alarm (Alarm Triggered by movement)

Adjustable Sensitivity

Password Protected Unlock

6 Unique Skins

Trigger Activation Delay Control

Trigger Deactivation Delay Control

Lost Password Recovery

Price: FREE!

What can you do with our app:

Scare/joke with your friends

Stop curious people from messing with your phone when you are not looking

Phone protection and defence against thieves and burglars

Ghost Hunting :) (whether you believe in ghosts or not, our app has been used for that)

在您不尋找的時候保護您的計算機,錢包或個人屬於(通過將手機用鎖定的Anti Theft Alarm放在計算機頂部)

Protect your phone while it's being charged (plugged in an outlet)

Add an extra layer of security, by stopping the burglar at the act of stealing it

As a Motion Alarm - Motion Sensor - Motion Detector - Detect any movement

If you like Anti Theft Alarm , check out Anti Theft Alarm Pro! Includes all the features above, but without ads.

Experiencing problems with the app? Please let us know at [email protected]

Check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jorliawesomeapps.

Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jorliapps.


-The Jorli Team

PSThis app uses the Device Administrator permission.

反盜竊警報充當運動警報 /運動傳感器 /運動檢測器,並在有人移動設備或從插座上拔下充電器時發出警報來保護您的手機。









