獲取bod Dating應用程序 - GPS約會應用程序中最好的應用程序。改變您與bod的賠率。
bod (Bad Online Dates) revolutionizes mobile dating by offering new opportunities, choices, and most importantly HOPE, all while on a bad date.
- 從糟糕的約會開始,在糟糕的約會中結識另一個人
- Simply choose to meet someone new, in real-time -- bod is your bad date rescue
- 使用功能強大的搜索工具,查看您附近有誰可用的人,並尋找日期
- 切勿與智能推送通知再次錯過聯繫
bod is the mop-up crew for all the other dating sites and dating brands by giving the dater an “OK” to leave and find someone that's a better match - a plan B. The person that is right for you may be right down the street in a similar situation and now with bod , new doors of hope and chance are now open.正如我們的口號所說:“說真的,沒有bod喜歡約會。 Change your odds with bod .”
最終有50%的初期是一場糟糕的比賽,現在您可以實時找到新約會來改變賠率!您可以通過更好的匹配來升級約會!選擇您的下一步 - Netflix和Chill?尋找新的Bae?只想和新人一起喝一杯?
bod is free to use and free to connect, stop paying for your right to find the perfect match!現在嘗試一下,Yolo!