**** NEW: Support for GOOGLE TASKS (synchronization)**** New Easy Mode, Just add a Trigger to a Task**** Task are notified when the trigger is triggered **** The Trigger can be chose among:- Connection to a concrete wifi- Disconnection from a concrete wifi- Connection to a concrete Bluetooth device- Disconnection from a concrete Bluetooth device- Be within the range of a concrete wifi- Be within the range of a bluetooth device- Be within the range of a concrete cellular repeater- Read a NFC card (supported phones)- Be close to a position (by means of GPS or network localization)- Receiving a Phone Call from a contact- Calling a contact- Power is connected- Power is disconnected- Headphone is connected- Headphone is disconnectedExtended explanation: Pomelo Reminder is NOT a common reminder.取而代之的是,這是基於上下文的提醒。您可以將提醒或待辦事項任務與地點相關聯(當您靠近那個地方時,您會被警告),人或情況。您還可以將多個上下文與同一任務相關聯。請參見一個示例。您可以創建與一個事件相對應的上下文,例如到達您的工作場所。 Then you can associate a set of tasks to that context as, for example, 'Send an email to John' or 'Give cutter back to Daisy'.Physical context can be triggered by:- Connection to a concrete wifi- Disconnection from a concrete wifi- Connection to a concrete Bluetooth device- Disconnection from a concrete Bluetooth device- Be within the range of a concrete wifi- Be within the range of a bluetooth device- Be within the range of a concrete cellular repeater- Read a NFC card (supported phones)- Be close to a position (by means of GPS or network localization)- Receiving a Phone Call from a contact- Calling a contact- Power is connected- Power is disconnected- Headphone is connected- Headphone is disconnectedMoreover there exist a 'People' trigger.這樣,您可以定義一個與上下文相關聯的人打電話給您或打電話給他/她時被激活的上下文。當然,上下文可以包含一個不止一個引用的觸發器。此外,還可以通過時間來調節激活的時間,例如,時間拜訪的激活或用於實現Time-time-date基本提醒。Context也可以與與IT Triggers It It It Trigggers It It It Time-Basic Complate。例如,您可以創建一個“緊急”的上下文以與緊急任務相關聯。這些任務可以與多個上下文同時關聯,例如兩個不同的地方或一個地方和一個邏輯上下文。想像一下,任務“購買牛奶”與上下文“靠近超市”相關的上下文,但您還想強調這是緊迫的,將邏輯上下文“緊迫”與該任務相關聯。Logical上下文對組織任務很有用。上一個示例的“緊急”選項卡可以對所有緊急任務進行分組。玩得開心!位置(GPS和網絡):access_fine_locationAccess_network_stateread_phone_phone_stateNear字段通信:nfc以下設置上下文觸發觸發器:read_contacts for GCalendar集成:read_calendarwrite_calendarthe plodionnly proppliondly wardingly*prowly*wardunly*wardunly*wardunly*wardundy*yinterly*yinterly* ***************該應用程序正在Beta測試中。反饋表示感謝!**********************************************************關鍵字:提醒,議程,駱駝,基於上下文的提醒,Google日曆,基於事件的提醒,呼叫提醒,Google任務,Google任務 **添加了與Google任務同步
*** 警告 ***
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