Find the sunrise and sunset times at any location on the earth, for any date
Sunrise Sunset Calculator是一個免費的應用程序,可讓您找到當前位置或地球上任何給定位置的以下時間:
1) Sunrise and sunset
2) Civil Dawn and Dusk
3) Nautical Dawn and Dusk
4) Astronomical Dawn and Dusk
The computation is done using the formulae at請注意,由於這些公式不考慮該地點的高度,因此對於海拔以上的地方而言,計算值可能會略有不准確。
The Sunrise Sunset Calculator also has the following features:
1) It lets you to set alarms at sunrise, sunset and any of the above dawn or dusk times.
2) It lets you search sun in the sky map.
All of the features currently supported by the app are free.
該應用程序的網絡版本目前沒有Android App版本中存在的警報和天空圖功能,可以在上訪問。