  • Sydney & NSW Alert

    Sydney & NSW Alert

    8.5 4.3 2024-12-27

"A must have app!"Get real-time Alert notification and more.

The NSW People Must have app!

Get realtime notification from New South Wales Alert (NSW Alert).

Weather, Bush Fire, Police Alert, Live Traffic, Health, UV index, Air Quality, Water level, Product Alerts all in one package.

For our New South Wales users.去! NSW!


The Sydney & NSW Alert app is free and easy to use.

• Weather Alert provides severe weather warning and Marine warning in New South Wales

• UV Index Alert provides daily UV index chart for Major cities in New South Wales and UV index scale

• Sydney train Alert shows the public transport travel updates

• Live Traffic Alert shows the current road traffic in New South Wales such as road maintenance and road construction

• Fire Incident Map shows the location of all fire incidents in New South Wales.

•新南威爾士州叢林大火警告建議和火災危險等級提供詳細的安全信息提供所有火災警告和諮詢通知。 (bushfire)

• Recent Earthquakes shows all earthquakes in Australia in last 7 days with magnitude information.

• Park Alert provides Parks NSW News such as park fire and closure.

• Police Alert gives you current New South Wales Police News including crime assistance, national counter terrorist news.

• Water level gives you current New South Wales river and dam water level

• NSW Service (Government payment service) is also included

• Health Alert provides updated health alerts from Department of Health (such as Ebola virus disease (EVD) in west Africa

•產品召回警報顯示了所有最近的召回產品,其中包括照片和賣方信息(例如Woolworths和Kmart Australia),以幫助您確定潛在的健康威脅。

• Current Air quality provide hourly updated EPA air quality in Sydney and NSW. You can also select date and time to find out historical air quality information

• Emergency Preparation provides a lot of NSW safety information such as Fire safer place, Bushfire plan and Emergency Tool Kit. You can download these files and check them in the Downloads in Tools section.

• Switch Theme provide 2 themes.


• This app also provides Widgets function. 4X1 and 4X2 widgets are available for you to choose from.

• Finally, don't forget to like and rate me in the Google Play.




1. Try to use the widget function. You can choose which category you want to read.

2. Use search function to locate your regional alert

3. Change sync, message store, notification setting to fit your preference.

4. Warning! The app could consume up to 1GB data in one month. Change sync setting if necessary.









