The official mobile ticketing app from TriMet!
TriMet is phasing out this app.購買門票的能力將在2019年8月結束。您可以在2019年12月31日之前使用以前購買的門票。您還可以在位於波特蘭701 SW 6th Ave.,Or of 97204 MF 8:30 AM至5:30下午701 SW 6th Ave.的Pioneer Square Office的Hop Fastpass Value購買票。 Previously purchased tickets are non-refundable.
Do I need to be connected?
An internet connection is required to download tickets but not to use them. You device must check-in once every 24 hours to receive updated information to allow you to activate or use your ticket.
What if my battery dies?
Just like with paper tickets, you're responsible for making sure you have a valid fare at all times, so be sure to plan ahead!
• Activate your ticket before boarding.如果您在需要票價的最大車站,請確保在進入車站區域之前激活票務(通過點擊“使用”按鈕)。 Otherwise, activate your ticket when you see your bus or train approaching. Your ticket must be activated before boarding a vehicle.
• Watch your battery level... Just like with paper tickets, you're responsible for making sure you have a valid fare at all times.
Android versions 6.0 and higher. Sorry, the TriMet Tickets app is not available for tablets.
• Note: We can only support unmodified, stock operating systems. Jailbroken and rooted phones are not supported.