Free, simple and accurate.
所有這些都在一項旨在使用USA Weather信息的單一應用程序中,並使用手機或平板電腦上的最新高質量NOAA國家氣象服務信息。
Detailed features (*):
- 從美國地點進行詳細的7天小時預測,每天更新了幾次天氣條件,溫度(真實和明顯),降雨概率,風向和速度,雲覆蓋,濕度,濕度,…
- Current conditions and past 72 hourly historic information with weather conditions, temperature, precipitation amount, visibility,…
- 動畫降雨雷達,可見,紅外和水蒸氣衛星圖像,降水量,降水預測,危害和乾旱都投射到Google Maps上。
- NOAA issued hazard alerts notifications for your current location and favorite ones in your phone notification bar.
- Area forecast discussion text for your locations.
- Several widgets sizes for your home screen including todays weather, next hours, next days and clock widget.
- Favorite locations and follow your current location to easy access the weather information you want.
- Moon phase, sunrise and sunset times and local timezone information.
- Nice adapted tablet layout.
If you have any problems with this application or have a good idea on how to improve it, then please don't hesitate to contact me.您的想法和問題對我來說非常重要,因為我打算讓USA Weather您在美國首選的天氣申請。 You can leave feedback via email from the “About” menu option or in
(*) While the free version is completely functional in terms of forecast data, some advanced features require the Premium version.