Weather by WeatherOnline
WeatherOnline Free offers worldwide city forecasts as well as weather maps. The Free Version contains Advertisement, is limited to one forecast location and radar images are delayed by 1h.
* Choose units (temperature: C, F; distance: km, miles; gust: kn, Bft, m/s, km/h, mph)
*更新期:城市:每6小時,1/2天的預報每3小時預測,當前的天氣信息在30分鐘至6個小時之間變化,雷達:5分鐘(英國),15分鐘,15分鐘(歐洲),1hrs,1hrs(美國,澳大利亞)。 Maps every 6hrs.
* Timezone: Location Forecast: local time at the forecast location. All other times according to the preset time for the device.
* 環形
* View pictures step by step
* Level: Continent;國家; Region (Radar only available for United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, USA and Australia).
* 概述
* Tmax
* Tmin
* Surface pressure
* Precipitation
* 3 Day Forecasts
* 1-12 days: Tmax; Tmin; Weather -am; -下午; -晚上; Rain risk;沉澱; Wind direction and mean wind force -am; -下午; -晚上; UV index; Sunshine hours;日出;日落; Moonrise; Moonset;
* 12 hrs Forecast in 3 hrs intervals: Temperature;風向; mean wind force;相對濕度;天氣; Sunshine hours; Peak gusts;
* Current weather: Temperature;天氣;沉澱;能見度; Wind -Speed; -Gusts; -軸承;相對濕度; Cloud Cover; Cloud Base; SL pressure; -趨勢; Snow depths;
* Language: English
* Go to to verify availability of the requested location, map, radar image.
* In case specific radar images are missing please click refresh (Menu --> Refresh).
* Send your questions and feedback to [email protected]
* By using our app you apply to our Terms of Use (
- added bigger buttons for tablets
- menu button compatibility for Android 3.x and above
- 一些錯誤文件
- small bugfix for Android 3.x and above
- initial release