Navigate Atlanta traffic with the dependable WSB Traffic Alerts app.
Navigate Atlanta traffic with the experienced and dependable WSB Traffic - reporters in the air, on the ground, and in the Traffic Center, with cameras and Traffic Troopers everywhere…depend on it.
* WSB廣播電台(95.5 WSB)的準確,實時的24/7流量報告飛越了亞特蘭大的WSB Skycopter的主要路線。
* WSB 24小時的交通中心將在您選擇亞特蘭大地鐵的20個縣時,就會發出有關重大交通延遲和問題的地理推送通知。
* Review the Map before you depart and easily see Incidents, delays and wrecks on your route, with text descriptions, and the WSB Traffic Reporters' audio reports.或安排通知,如果您的路線上有任何事件,請在所選時間提醒您。在您走之前知道!
*直接在亞特蘭大中城致電WSB 24小時交通中心,您的目擊者報告是可靠的眾包,通過WSB廣泛的,獨有地訪問了GDOT的數百台交通攝像機。