  • GPS Air Navigator

    GPS Air Navigator

    8.3 4.2.1 2024-10-30

Trial app for VFR real-time GPS Air Navigation

GPS Air Navigator is an application for VFR Air Navigation :: Air Nav.

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Características principales:

• real-time GPS moving map

• graphical visualization of country air space

• navigation with True or Magnetic North

• High Quality VFR Aeronautical Charts (from for Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Uruguay and Venezuela

• free OpenStreetMap maps for all countries

• USA Sectional VFR Charts (generated from FAA VFR Raster Charts)

• WAC and REA Charts from Brazil (thanks to DECEA-Brazil)

• Gráficos gratuitos de Mapas de OpenFlight de Países Bajos, Polonia, Croacia, República Checa, Bélgica, Alemania, Dinamarca, Suecia, Bulgaria, Hungría, Eslovenia, Austria, Rumania y Suiza (gracias a la Asociación OpenFlightMaps)

• airspace information for Portugal with daily updates (integrated with FuaFlex service -

• database with more than 56.000 system waypoints

• create and manage your own user waypoints

• create and manage your routes and legs

• Botón Mayday: envíe un SMS automático con la ubicación actual (solo en dispositivos que admiten esta característica) y la activación de una ruta al Waypoint más cercano

• Course with two navigation modes: a) visualization of the course you have to follow to reach the next waypoint or; b) Visualización de cuántos grados debe recurrir para llegar al siguiente punto de referencia, mientras que la flecha muestra en qué dirección el punto está en relación con la dirección de su vuelo

• show real-time flight tracks

• save flight tracks to a GPX file for offline processing (visualize in specific apps or inside the GPS Air Navigator)

• visualize your flight stats and share them on Facebook, e-mail, Instagram and so on

• only one licence needed for all your Android devices

After install, you can try the app with the following limitations:

• you can save only two user waypoints;

• the app closes after 15 minutes of usage.

If you like GPS Air Navigator , you can buy a licence using the button Buy inside the app, to use it without limitations.

Enjoy GPS Air Navigator !

¿Qué hay de nuevo en la última versión 4.2.1?

Last updated on Apr 1, 2021 - Update of the OpenFlightMaps aeronautical charts (AIRAC 2103)
- Update of the system database of waypoints from openAIP
- Other small improvements and bug fixes

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