Desain Epik Mars dan Galaxy Great dan Stars Sky for Go Sms Pro Free!
Galaxy Theme GO SMS PRO works only with GO SMS Pro application if you don't have it, download for free from Google Play.
This application helps You customization and personalization your GO SMS Pro with beautiful, universe wallpaper, fonts and icons.
This a new great red and orange skin for GO SMS Pro Theme - like a spaceship, take you to the macro cosmos style. Designed specifically for people who like mars (heavenly body), ufo and aliens.
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun next to earth.
Great red and violet, purple cosmic image remind you of the beauty of nature, out of this world and the cosmos. Feel like you were in a real space.
Do you like the FREE galaxy, ufo, aliens or other creatures from space in your Go SMS PRO or GO Launcher EX? You will love this red mars and neon, astronomy style too.
Aplikasi ini membantu Anda kustomisasi dan personalisasi go SMS Pro Anda dengan wallpaper, font dan ikon yang berwarna -warni, indah, merah, merah, sanguine, font dan ikon, untuk melihat universal dan mars.
Kami memadukan latar belakang utama hitam merah, dengan bintang putih cahaya, putih panas dan ungu cerah dan magenta, fuksyna dalam latar belakang dan warna ungu dengan sorotan bintang putih untuk membuat desain yang indah untuk Anda. beautiful colors like cherry and red.
To apply the theme(also for GO Chat):
1. Download this theme from Google Play for free
2. Download GO SMS Pro for free
3. Install and launch GO SMS app
3. Press right to see options and press theme
4. Press "Installed" tab - My Theme
5. Tap the GO SMS PRO theme galaxy
Try now beautiful, space universe styled with tons of customization options.
Feel like you are now in a galaxy, enjoy an every new SMS message!
Pink, crimson, red planet, sanguine galaxy color surely captivate you!
To change appearance settings about conversation list
1. Press Menu
2. Press Advanced
3. Press Appearance Settings.
4. Press Conversation List Customization
And now You can adjust for each other, you can change:
- Background in messages.
- Displayed contact pictures.
- Contact font.
- Contact font color.
- Time and message fonts.
- Or reset this setting as to default.
To change appearance settings about conversation style
1. Press Menu
2. Press Advanced
3. Press Appearance Settings.
4. Press Conversation customization
And now You can adjust for each other, you can change:
Conversation style ( bubble setting or list style)
- Latar belakang
- Incoming font
- Outgoing font
- Hyperlink color in text
Jika Anda ingin menggunakan ikon Avatar untuk kontak apa pun, ubah saja dan gambar baru fuchsia untuk setiap kontak terlihat dalam daftar percakapan dan daftar pesan SMS.
Disclaimer: this application uses interstitial ads and banners.
Check other our GOSMSPro Themes, GO Locker Themes, and GO Launcher EX, free themes.
Themes are published all the time, so remember to check our developer account regularly.
Style was created by WorkshopTheme
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