애플리케이션실용적인 도구
  • Cameraless


    8.9 5.0.3 2024-12-15
    실용적인 도구

Lock & disable camera to block access against malwares. Perfect camera jammer.

Note: this version may not be compatible with all Android 11 devices. Android 11 장치가있는 경우 "Android 11의 Cameraless "를 다운로드하는 것이 좋습니다.

Cameraless app is a camera blocker used to disable all cameras in your mobile device, offering full protection against:

◾ Spies, stalkers and various malware

◾ Taking pictures/videos in secure areas.

Primary features

• Option to grant permanent camera access to specific authorized applications

• Camera block as per day

• Password protection

• Multi-language support

• Special mode with maximum security level for classified workplaces

• Auto-camera block as per time/location (PRO)

• One click widget to block/unblock camera (PRO)

• Tasker/Automate integration (PRO)

제품 설명

Using your camera remotely without your knowledge; to spy on you, stalk you or harm you is very easy.

Cameraless is the perfect anti-spy camera jammer application.

There are two major functions:

1. Enable / Disable camera manually.

2. Enable / disable camera automatically according to time of day or location.

Cameraless is also useful for those who work at secure environments. One time only – define your workplace location and let Cameraless block your camera automatically when you're at work. 또한 앱이 항상 작동하고 직장에서 장치가 지속적으로 보호되도록 암호로 설정을 보호 할 수 있습니다. Additionally, special notification allows you to verify the status of your device's camera.

Please note: When the application is password-protected, the level of security is at its maximum.

Don't miss the PRO features with the camera blocker widget and the one-click shortcut to activate the camera even when it is blocked.

Feature List

• 24/7 anti-spy security

• 3 modes (Manually, lock camera by Time, Block by Location)

• Whitelist – option to grant permanent camera access to specific authorized applications

• Password protection

• Multi-language support

• Tasker/Llama/Automate plugin

• Extreme battery saving

• Quick uninstall function

• Location mode capabilities: automatic location acquisition, dynamic notifications, auto-sleep when screen is off and auto launch after

• Controlling camera widget

• Quick camera activation shortcut

사용 방법

• Enable / disable camera manually, by time of day or location from the main screen.

Whitelist :

Select “Whitelist” from the menu.

A list will be displayed including all apps installed on your device. Select any app you want to authorize to use the camera even when it is blocked.

홈 화면으로 돌아 가면 정의 한 모든 응용 프로그램에 대해 차단 된 경우에도 항상 앱에 카메라 액세스를 제공하는 특수 런처 아이콘이 추가되었습니다.

앱을 닫으면 구성 화면에서 정의한 "지연 시간"설정에 따라 카메라가 자동으로 차단됩니다.

Disable by location :

? Insert the center location (lat,lon) of the target area where your phone should be disabled.

? 대상 영역의 중앙에 서있는 경우 "현재 위치 설정"버튼을 클릭하면 중앙 위치가 그에 따라 업데이트됩니다.

? Insert the radius (meters) within which your camera will be disabled (around the center location).

That is all – your phone will become camera-less when you are in the target area and vice-versa.

For support please contact us by email: [email protected]

This app uses Device Administrator permission. This permission level allows Cameraless to block all your device's cameras.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.0.3

Last updated on Oct 30, 2020 Upgrade for free

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