  • Cameraless


    8.9 5.0.3 2024-12-15

Lock & disable camera to block access against malwares. Perfect camera jammer.

Note: this version may not be compatible with all Android 11 devices.如果您有Android 11設備,建議在此處下載“ Android 11”的“ Cameraless for Android 11”:https://play.google.com/store/store/apps/details?id=com.manyera.camerablablocker

Cameraless app is a camera blocker used to disable all cameras in your mobile device, offering full protection against:

◾ Spies, stalkers and various malware

◾ Taking pictures/videos in secure areas.

Primary features

• Option to grant permanent camera access to specific authorized applications

• Camera block as per day

• Password protection

• Multi-language support

• Special mode with maximum security level for classified workplaces

• Auto-camera block as per time/location (PRO)

• One click widget to block/unblock camera (PRO)

• Tasker/Automate integration (PRO)


Using your camera remotely without your knowledge; to spy on you, stalk you or harm you is very easy.

Cameraless is the perfect anti-spy camera jammer application.

There are two major functions:

1. Enable / Disable camera manually.

2. Enable / disable camera automatically according to time of day or location.

Cameraless is also useful for those who work at secure environments. One time only – define your workplace location and let Cameraless block your camera automatically when you're at work.您還可以使用密碼保護您的設置,以便該應用程序始終運行,並且在工作時將不斷保護您的設備。 Additionally, special notification allows you to verify the status of your device's camera.

Please note: When the application is password-protected, the level of security is at its maximum.

Don't miss the PRO features with the camera blocker widget and the one-click shortcut to activate the camera even when it is blocked.


• 24/7 anti-spy security

• 3 modes (Manually, lock camera by Time, Block by Location)

• Whitelist – option to grant permanent camera access to specific authorized applications

• Password protection

• Multi-language support

• Tasker/Llama/Automate plugin

• Extreme battery saving

• Quick uninstall function

• Location mode capabilities: automatic location acquisition, dynamic notifications, auto-sleep when screen is off and auto launch after

• Controlling camera widget

• Quick camera activation shortcut


• Enable / disable camera manually, by time of day or location from the main screen.

Whitelist :

Select “Whitelist” from the menu.

A list will be displayed including all apps installed on your device. Select any app you want to authorize to use the camera even when it is blocked.



Disable by location :

? Insert the center location (lat,lon) of the target area where your phone should be disabled.


? Insert the radius (meters) within which your camera will be disabled (around the center location).

That is all – your phone will become camera-less when you are in the target area and vice-versa.

For support please contact us by email: [email protected]

This app uses Device Administrator permission. This permission level allows Cameraless to block all your device's cameras.


Last updated on Oct 30, 2020 Upgrade for free









