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There are many things I hate about Kingdom Come: Deliverance II . I hate that I have to start off without a single Groschen to my name and have to find a job. I hate that people refuse to talk to me because I haven't had time to shower.

There are also many things I have come to love about Kingdom Come: Deliverance II . I love that I'm forced to find a literal job for money and do menial tasks so that I can survive. I love that I have to pay special attention to how I look and dress in order to command attention.

Warhorse Studios的最新开放世界RPG是身临其境的Quest Design和Exploration的大师班,对其前身进行了极大的改进。

我们的主角亨利(Henry)和汉斯·卡彭(Hans Capon)直接接我们在第一场比赛中停下来的地方,前往特罗斯基城堡(Trosky Castle),寄出一封信,以招募盟友在与西吉斯蒙德(Sigismund)的战斗中。 What makes Kingdom Come: Deliverance II stand out from other medieval RPGs is its historical roots and dedication to realism.尽管大多数其他RPG都让您扮演选定的人,他自然地擅长与怪物与英雄作斗争,而这场比赛是完全没有人的。 You're a peasant with no combat prowess, no one respects you, and everything needs to be earned.

This makes Deliverance II feel unapproachable at first, and it can be.事情可能需要花费几个小时才能终于开始变得有意义,而在游戏实际变得良好之前需要的时间承诺可能是一个完全的转口。 But that payoff is worth it.

The good news is that things aren't quite as unforgiving here as they used to be. After all, Henry has grown since those early days in Skalitz.与第一场比赛不同,亨利(Henry)开始完全未经训练和无助,王国来:拯救II确实为您提供了一些资源和工具。


在整个游戏过程中,我发现我能够轻松改变立场,然后放下招架,而Riposte感到非常敏捷,反应迅速。铁杆粉丝可能会对这些更加友好的变化有些不利,但我认为这对于不习惯这种游戏的新玩家是必要的。 And trust me, the game is still plenty hard for the unprepared.

As soon as the game releases you into the open world, you're pretty much free to do whatever you want. Except you've got no money to your name, no horse, and yes, you smell like a sewer. Kingdom Come: Deliverance II starts off as a really tough grind as you're basically unable to do anything of import at the start.到达另一个城镇可以步行漫步,您无法承受在旅馆的住宿,因此您必须在晚上四处逛逛,甚至试图完成似乎简单的侧面任务可能会变得真正的纠结。

Now I realize I'm making Deliverance II sound like a complete slog, and that's because it is at the start. But as I mentioned earlier, stick with it long enough, and you'll see that the wait was worth it.美丽的事情是,虽然辅助任务可能会像指甲一样艰难 - 通常需要您通过高言语检查或冒险战斗并与法律陷入困境,但它们也很有意义。 The key here is to just throw yourself into the thick of things and not worry about the consequences. As you do more of a certain thing, you become better at it.


The same goes for combat.虽然杀死NPC是将您发送给executionution子手的必经之路,但您可以同时练习动物,也可以在比赛中尝试运气。有一个NPC也可以在剑战中训练您,而您用武器击中事物的越多,升级越快,变得越强。 Soon enough, you'll be able to take on small groups of enemies even when you're alone.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II rewards patience and diligence. It's not the kind of game you can rush. If you're willing to meet it on its own terms, though, you'll find that it's the kind of game you can just lose yourself in for hours on end.

It certainly helps that the quest design is so good, too.我碰巧偶然发现的一个早期追求要求我将一些食物提供给一群库曼斯(基本上是这个宇宙中地球的浮渣)。当库曼斯和当地人之间的战斗爆发时,我被迫介入,城镇居民告诉我要追捕库姆斯并杀死他们中的每一个。一开始听起来很简单,但是如果您是亨利(Henry)的更复杂和细微的主角,您可能会发现这些库曼斯(Cumans)尤其不是那么邪恶。 And yes, you will be given a choice to either kill them or spare them.

Needless to say, the Mass Effect Paragon in me demanded that I spare them and instead spend time getting to know them.我不会透露所有细节,但是选择与库曼斯一起闲逛,最终使我派我在其他整个旅程中,涉及到绝对浪费的过程,同时试图将其中一个与不说话的当地女孩配对。这是我在游戏中完成的最好的早期游戏任务之一,它只是辅助任务的深度和涉及的许多例子之一。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II isn't without its faults of course, and I did run into the occasional obstacle here and there.虽然我的播放是相对没有漏洞的(考虑到游戏的尺寸和规模的令人印象深刻),但有时我会发现自己在两个单独的任务中的目标相互重叠,从而导致几乎不可能的战斗情况,而我根本无法避免,而没有早点保存。我也遇到了一个虫子,这阻止了我有一天晚上拿出火炬,这导致我跌跌撞撞地从悬崖上绊倒了,至少可以说,这令人沮丧。

Thankfully, these instances are few and far between, but they're worth keeping in mind anyway. These are otherwise very minor blemishes on the face of an incredibly ambitious and immersive RPG.

While Kingdome Come: Deliverance II will no doubt be the source of many a meme just like its predecessor was, I was also pleasantly surprised to see it really swing for the fences when it comes to its story and presentation. Don't let the goofy animations and dialogue fool you;这仍然是一个流血的报仇和创伤的故事,尽管亨利也许可以找到时间去浴室和巡回赛的时间,但他永远不会忘记他在这里的目的。

Without getting too deep into spoiler territory, Warhorse Studios clearly wasn't afraid to experiment a little bit with the narrative structure.有一些令人印象深刻的序列试图在您的眼中发挥窍门,以传达亨利混乱的心灵,并让您了解什么困扰他。


Kingdom Come: Deliverance II releases for PC and consoles on Feb. 4, 2025. A review code for the game was provided by the publisher.在PS5上进行了审查。



