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Prenez instantanément une photo. BOOM. Fait.

InstaCamera est le moyen le plus rapide de prendre une photo avec votre téléphone.

There's no shutter button: just open the app and it takes a photo, then closes just as quickly.

## Why is it so awesome?

InstaCamera est parfait lorsque vous voyez un oiseau avec une expression stupide sur son visage et que vous voulez le poster sur Reddit et obtenir un bazillion de votes. Avec une application de caméra normale, vous devriez appuyer sur trois choses ... à ce moment-là, le hibou aurait repris son apparence de méfiance vigilante, et il y a votre grosse photo à la renommée Internet. Nobody should have to suffer this disappointment.

## Paramètres

Even though the app is super-simple, you can change how it works. Open the settings (companion app with a wrench icon) and you can make these adjustments:

* take multiple shots in a row (up to five)

* change the shutter volume (default is 60%)

* change the photo resolution (default is max)

* stay in camera mode after taking instant photos (then you touch the screen to take more, and back button to quit)

## Permissions

There are four we had to use for InstaCamera :

Storage: the app needs to save photos to the SD card.

Network communication: to get the ads in the settings screen.

Phone calls: ads do a 'Read Phone State' ping or it doesn't count as an ad impression.

Hardware controls: the app needs to access the camera.

## Retour

If you like it or don't like it, say why in your review comment. That way we can make it better instead of just being sad and grumpy and eating a whole family-sized thing of chips while watching comfort TV. Nous avons fait cette application parce qu'elle est un peu plus géniale que ce qui existe déjà, donc si vous pouvez utiliser vos mots, ce sera mieux la prochaine fois, nous le promettons.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.01

Last updated on Nov 16, 2015 - Updated photo logic to try and improve performance on older phones
- Added notification showing path when photo is taken

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