There's no shutter button: just open the app and it takes a photo, then closes just as quickly.
## Why is it so awesome?
InstaCamera非常适合当您看到一只脸上有愚蠢的表情的鸟,并且想将其发布给Reddit并获得数十亿美元的投票。使用普通的摄像头应用程序,您必须按三件事……到那时,猫头鹰将恢复其注意力不信任的外观,并且在Internet Fame上大放异彩。 Nobody should have to suffer this disappointment.
## 设置
Even though the app is super-simple, you can change how it works. Open the settings (companion app with a wrench icon) and you can make these adjustments:
* take multiple shots in a row (up to five)
* change the shutter volume (default is 60%)
* change the photo resolution (default is max)
* stay in camera mode after taking instant photos (then you touch the screen to take more, and back button to quit)
## Permissions
There are four we had to use for InstaCamera :
Storage: the app needs to save photos to the SD card.
Network communication: to get the ads in the settings screen.
Phone calls: ads do a 'Read Phone State' ping or it doesn't count as an ad impression.
Hardware controls: the app needs to access the camera.
## 反馈
If you like it or don't like it, say why in your review comment. That way we can make it better instead of just being sad and grumpy and eating a whole family-sized thing of chips while watching comfort TV.我们制作了这个应用程序,因为它比已经存在的内容要好得多,因此,如果您可以使用您的单词,那么下次会更好。