즉시 사진을 찍으십시오. 팔. 완료.
InstaCamera 휴대 전화로 사진을 찍는 가장 빠른 방법입니다.
There's no shutter button: just open the app and it takes a photo, then closes just as quickly.
## Why is it so awesome?
InstaCamera 얼굴에 어리석은 표정이있는 새를 볼 때 완벽합니다. 일반적인 카메라 앱을 사용하면 약 세 가지를 누르야 할 것입니다 ... 그때까지 올빼미는 조심스러운 불신의 모습을 재개했을 것입니다. Nobody should have to suffer this disappointment.
## Settings
Even though the app is super-simple, you can change how it works. Open the settings (companion app with a wrench icon) and you can make these adjustments:
* take multiple shots in a row (up to five)
* change the shutter volume (default is 60%)
* change the photo resolution (default is max)
* stay in camera mode after taking instant photos (then you touch the screen to take more, and back button to quit)
## Permissions
There are four we had to use for InstaCamera :
Storage: the app needs to save photos to the SD card.
Network communication: to get the ads in the settings screen.
Phone calls: ads do a 'Read Phone State' ping or it doesn't count as an ad impression.
Hardware controls: the app needs to access the camera.
## 피드백
If you like it or don't like it, say why in your review comment. That way we can make it better instead of just being sad and grumpy and eating a whole family-sized thing of chips while watching comfort TV. 우리는이 앱을 이미 사용하는 것보다 약간 굉장하기 때문에이 앱을 만들었으므로, 당신이 당신의 말을 사용할 수 있다면 다음 번에 더 좋을 것입니다. 우리는 약속합니다.
더 읽어보세요